Wednesday, May 15, 2013

FAVORITE PROJECT in this class

In Ms. Jackson's class we do a lot of projects and assignments. If I were to choose one, my favorite one of all of them would be where we make our own game on SPLODER. Its a website you go to and you sign up then you make a game and create your own levels. I even uploaded it on this blog. The game project was my favorite in this class because it was the most fun unlike some of other things we do in this class and it wasn't boring. I got to make whatever I wanted from the website and put it into my game to make it fun. I think it was also one of the easiest things I've had to do in this class so far too. That is why I think the game was my most favorite project in this class so far.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

time when someone was wrong about me

One time in my 5th period last year, we were having a competition for a story we read for English. The class was put into two teams and each had some smart kids and not so smart kids. My team decided to send me up because they thought I was least smart on our team so they put me up first. They were super surprised when I answered the first question right before the other team, and thought it was just a lucky guess. Then they asked another question and I got that one right too! Then they told me to go back to my seat because my turn was over. I made my team in the lead. They were surprised to see that I got all my questions right before the other team because they didn't think I was smart enough. That was a time my class was wrong about me.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

career as an ARTIST maybe?

A career that I would like to also try that is related to the theme of my blog "photography", is art. I want to be an artist because I like to find new experiences and see new things and draw them from my own point of view. I like to imagine things and draw them. I draw pretty sick pics too. My favorite thing to draw is eyes, because they show perspective:) I also like to draw beaches, turtles, people, grass, trees, and pretty much anything you could possibly think of!! 69 Sometimes if I want I take photographs of my artwork and post it somewhere. I've always liked painting and sketching. That is why if I were to choose a similar job to photography, I would choose to make art.

Monday, May 6, 2013

photography joke hahaha;)

I thought that this joke was pretty funny about photographers:)
Top ten reasons to date a photographer;
1) They work well in the dark.
2) They're used to funny smells.
3) They make things develop.
4) They work well on many settings.
5) They know how to focus.
6) They can make big things look small and small things look big.
7) They work well from many different angles.
8) They zoom in and out. And in and out, and in and out, and in and out...
9) They shoot in many different locations.
10) They can find the beauty in anything.
I also thought this joke was funny:)
If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?

Bomb Threat = No School !!!!

Just yesterday at my school we had a bomb threat and most of the kids went home, including me. I got picked up by my friend Synphany's mom and Alex came too. Her mom had some stuff to do at Turtle Bay Hotel so we went with her and we got acai bowls while we waited. They were delicious! Once we got back to her house we decided we should go to the beach. So we got our suits and went to Waimea to go swimming. I thought it would be a great idea to take some pics while we were at the beach having fun. Then we got back to her house and ate some nutella cause it tastes SO GOOD. Then I went to my friend Chloe's cause it was her birthday and we had a bonfire and took lots of pics.